Southlake Surgery Center is located in the heart of Southlake and is dedicated to excellence in patient care. Our team of physicians, nurse, and staff work closely together in meeting your aesthetic goals. Our surgeons perform a wide variety of cosmetic procedures of the breast, body, and face.
Breast Surgery
Breast procedures performed include: breast augmentation, breast lift with or without implants, and breast reduction.
Body Procedures
Body procedures performed include tummy tuck, liposuction, body lift, thigh lift, arm lift, SMARTLiposuction, Cellulaze, fat transfers, and gluteal implants.
Face Surgery
Face procedures include: face lift, neck lift, belephoroplasty (eyelids), browlift, facial implants, rhinoplasty, dermabrasion and many more.
Contact us today for more information about our surgical and nonsurgical cosmetic procedures. Our skilled professional team is on standby to ensure that you get the treatment you desire.